Exam time can be extremely stressful – and not just for your child but for you as a parent! We’ve seen many a parent stress about their child and the amount of work they are (or aren’t) doing, how well they think they’ll do, and the impact it will have on their future.
As parents, all we can do is support our children during the exam period. However, this can be exceptionally difficult as often we don’t always know what they’re feeling or thinking. And it can result in arguments with stress levels hitting the roof!
Here are 12 practical tips that you as a parent can do to help your child through this stressful time – and hopefully reduce your own anxiety levels!
1. Know their exam timetable
Understanding what days and times their exams are is helpful in supporting them to prepare correctly, get them to the exam on time, and even offer to help them revise (if they let you!).
2. Print out their curriculum
This may seem simple, but having all the information to hand helps your child to confidently revise the right topics and sections. 3. Print out past papers
Again, leave them to spend time learning the subject while you do all the 'background' admin. Printing off papers and the right ones takes time but is extremely useful for exam practice. 4. Boost productivity with short-term rewards
Encourage study and highlight their progress through a reward system based on short-term goals. For example, if they complete a particular task or topic, they can treat themselves to some tv time or a catch up with friends etc. Tirelessly studying without regular treats along the way is challenging mentally and affects motivation.
5. Make sure they practice exam technique
Start practising time management with them and discuss ways to approach questions.
6. Ensure they’re getting enough sleep
Sleep is fundamental to their performance. It’s also important they unwind at least an hour before bed to stop a buzzing mind from keeping them awake. 7. Remain calm
Okay, easier said than done but if you have to, pretend! If you stress out, they’ll stress out more. 8. Listen to their day – and move on
After each day's examinations, give them the space to talk about them but avoid judgement or a detailed review – all it achieves is higher stress levels and tension. Now, move on. 9. Help them maintain a balanced diet and daily routine
A proper balance between study and rest is essential. After each exam, let them rest and recharge before starting any beneficial study for the next paper. Also, nutrition plays a critical role in keeping energy levels up, so ensure they eat proper and regular meals.
10. Make sure your child continues to mix with friends and family
Don’t let them isolate themselves. Family meals, for example, and contact with their peers is very important in keeping their spirits up.
11. Be available
Make time for your child and be aware of their needs, whether it's a spot of revision, a drink to perk them up or just being available to address any concerns.
And most importantly,
12. Bring them copious amounts of tea and biscuits
(And a smile) to keep them going!
If all else fails, just simply come straight out and ask them, "what can I do to help you?".
Boutique Education is a leading tuition company in Singapore providing bespoke and personalised home and online tuition to children and adults. Please contact us https://boutiqueeducation.asia/contact/ to find out more.